Friday, September 29, 2006

What About Oats: I know it's to late for this year but

What about oats?

I exchanged E-mails with Dennis Galbraith at Can-Oat in Portage la Praire today. Dec. price for a bushel of milling oats is $2.30 per bu. Do the math 100 bu./ac. X $2.30 = $230 per acre Not Bad!

Over the winter months I often talk to producers about rotations. What to grow next year, what fits in the rotation, what will make money, I don't want to grow wheat on wheat, I can't go wheat then barley, I'm getting canola to close together and Flax doesn't pay enough.

What about oats?

I'm going to try and post some good info on milling oats. I've got a least one large field that produced pretty well. I will try and post data on the field. Here are a couple of sites to start;
FarmAssist - Agronomic Resources - Alerts