Friday, October 27, 2006

Dekalb Canola: Yield Data, among other things, "NEW" 71-45RR canola being one other thing

Monsanto Performance - Yield Data
I spent yesterday afternoon among my peers attending the Dekalb Canola 2007 "rollout" (industry jargon) A "rollout" is the process of introducing a "new" product line to your customers and distributors. I'm actually a fan (and marketer) of Dekalb Canola. I've sold 1000's of bags of 34-55 and still consider it the best open-pollinated roundup ready on the market.

Dekalb's "NEW" 71-45RR looked good in 2006 trials:

  • Ave yield 40.89 bu/ac
  • Ave yield advantage 1.7 bu/ac.
  • Ave. $$ advantage $11.53/ac (Monsanto loves this one for some reason?)
  • 132 sites
  • They went against everyone H21,H24,H25 and all Invigors

    Anyway Dekalb (Monsanto) has been trying to find the breakthrough product in the Hybrid market. Their feature canola will be 71-45 RR (click the link for Delkalb's trials) It does look good, I had a 1/4 with one of my best growers and the 71-45 yielded (30 bu plus) and performed well.

    Dekalb's braintrust know the future (really the NOW) is Hybrid canola. Manitoba has been Hybrid for a while, Sask and Alberta are growing or maybe are already grown the hybrid market. If you want to grow your share of the canola market you have to go hybrid.

Darn gotta go. My sons off to play hockey I will continue this evening. Click the Link. and Check out Dekalb's line. I do like the site and the data, easy and quick to use.