Sunday, October 08, 2006

Martin Entz on Winter Wheat: I wish I'd reviewed this in August

University of Manitoba: Agricultural & Food Sciences - Farmers Independent Weekly September 5, 2002
A straight forward production article from Martin Entz. Other than the main point of seeding at the right time ( Close to Aug. 31), three ideas stuck me:
1. Dry conditions should not stop you from seeding. I was very skeptical of seeding this fall. Now we have good moisture and the few fields that did go in the ground look OK
2. Don't seed to deep. This is one I harp on my farmers about. Shallow seeding is good and Entz focuses on it's importance with winter wheat
3. You can spray winter annuals late into October. I made that reccomedation to one grower already. I know it is a pain when the water is frozen in the tank, but it cleans up the winter annuals (and dandelions)