Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Nexara canola vs regular canola; One Farmers Math

Now I have to warn you the information in this comparison is not very scientific. This is how a lot of farm, moreover business, decision are made.

I got a callback today from a producer regarding my question on Nexara canola vs Invigor canola He shared the following:

Field - Same half section. West 1/4 Invigor 5070, East 1/4 Nex 828
Seeding date - "Started one day finished the next" (don't you love that answer)
Fertilizer - Same (?)
Herbicides - :Liberty and Absolute/Odyssey (tankmixed)

Invigor - 39 bu/ac. X $6.50 per bu. = $253.50
Nexara - 33 bu/ac. X $7.50 per bu. =$247.50

$ Difference = $6.00 per acre for Invigor
Bushel Difference = 6 bu per acre or 18% (about what the trials indicate) for Invigor.

Comments: The prices were arrived at by:
  • Nexara had been priced at $7.50 net/bu. for all the production. But not sold. Trucking ?
  • Invigor, the producer had sold some (?) at $6.50 net/bu.

Niether field looked that good, but had yielded pretty well considering the conditions.

Green count was not a concern in either field

I asked the producer if he would grow Nexara again considering the results. His reply was yes, depending on the premium. It gave him some marketing alternatives and he had in the past seen a advantage the other way.