Saturday, October 14, 2006

Winter Wheat Field: oct 10/2006

I'm following the progress of this winter wheat field. You can see the emergence looks good. It looks to be two leaf. I'll post more data when I talk to the producer.

It's on Nexera canola stubble with a burnoff of .8 L/ac Transorb to control Quack and Canada Thistle. You can see the cot. stage canola's. Many canola leaves showed signs of frost damage

Most winter wheat in the area goes on Canola stubble. Some farmers had been going into pea stubble, but pea production has dropped off. We also have a few farmers growing on sumerfallow. I don't reccommend that and neither does crop insurance. They seem to get away with decent production .

One problem with on canola stubble can be previous years swath tracks . It often show up after you apply herbicide. Plants will appear stunted and yellow. I've heard a variety of reasons why it happens. Spreading the straw and breaking up the mulch (residue) under the swath with a harrow pass is most producers solution.

A last note about the producer, No two last notes. He is zero till. And he is one of the better winter wheat growers in the area