Tuesday, November 07, 2006

$1.50 per lb off InVigor Canola Seed

I've had this on the desk for a week. It is a good deal if you could use Invigor 5108.

"InVigor 5108/Liberty Virtual Pack"

"Bayer CropScience has announced a Virtual Pak program for InVigor 5108 Canola Seed and Liberty valued at $7.50 per acre."

My math on this deal works out to $1.50 per lb. That's using a 5 lbs per acre seeding rate.

There has to be a catch you say?

The "catches" are as follows:

  • Seed and Chemical (Liberty in this case) have to be purchased at the same outlet.
  • InVigor 5108 while a good InVigor is not the best. Likely a 5 to 10% yield drag from the rest of the 5000 series. (109% of 45h21 in Bayer trials)

Why you might do this:

  • Come on! It is $7.50 per acre savings
  • With pricing I'm seeing you could be paying less than $5 per lb for a decent hybrid
  • 5108 may fit for an early field for winter wheat planting in fall. It is 3 or 4 days earlier in trials
  • An early field of 5108 could fit just to have off early or to beat the heat.