Friday, January 26, 2007

Bayer Value program: Love 'em or Hate 'em Rebate Programs Are Still Going Strong

The Bayer Value program. You would have had to be under a rock for the last 5 years to not know about Bayer Value. Here's the link to this year's version.

A couple of notes on the program:

  • Everest ( a Group two millet/wild oat product) counts on Folicur and Rovral Flo rebates

  • Select (an Aryesta generic clethodim or millet/wild oat product for oilseeds and pulses) is counted for discounts the same as Centurion ( Bayer's version of above)

  • Stratego (a double mode of action fungicide) is not included in the program. The price is reduced. The same as last year. You can't go back once you cut price.
Good program. Use the seed and fungicide and you get good rebates. You spent more to start with, but yeah you get the rebates.
Click the link at the top of the post and print out the pdf handout if it helps you understand.