Saturday, February 17, 2007

Positive Pea Price Post: Mike Jubinville of Pro Farmer Canada checks in with a positive outlook for peas

A few comments on the post;

Just talked to the husband of a Chem rep. who spent the a day at a pulse growers seminar. She came away with a lot of positive price news from growers. Peas close to here were looking to be down (in acres) this coming year. I don't know if this will change things. My clients grow 1500 to 2000 most years, maybe 3000 on a good year when we get a new grower or two. Things were looking to be about 1000 ac.(?) this year. Good price news may bring up a few acres, but most pea growers are large growers with the set ups for growing them. I don't know if this will have a large effect.

Mike Jubinville is a good analyst (he is hot right now?) I have some growers use his services and I heard him at Ag Days and came away impressed. But like I say he is hot right now and talking about hot markets so it can be easy to sound good.