Agronomy of Annual Crops for Forage and Pasture: I seem to be posting a lot of gov. stuff lately (?)
Agronomy of Annual Crops for Forage and Pasture
I had a call today about buying corn for silage. The producer has grown silage corn off and on for 5 years. He told me today it has never produced like he wanted. I recall 10 tonnes was the top yield.
We talked about some options. I suggested barley or oats. Much cheaper to grow and more reliable yield ( lower of course). but the producer was concerned about the land being dry. He had grown clover last year and it can dry the land out. His impression of corn is it handles dry conditions better.
Anyway I will be looking for a good Roundup Ready Silage corn for him on Monday. Enjoy the post , it looks at some options for silage.
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