Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Broadleaf Brand vs Genric Names

Another good chart out of the Co-op Crop Protection guide. This one is broadleaf herbicide alternatives. IPCO is looking pretty strong(?)

Our parent company told us last year that generic pesticides will reduce the dollars spent for Crop Protection products by 20% in the next 2 or 3 years. That means producers will spent 20% less. Now that is a good thing for producers. It's likely not such a good thing for farm supplies. Margins (profit) are shrinking in the business, generics may just take another chunk out of that margin.
You can see the evidence of shrinking margins. There are a lot less independent dealers around, the ones that are left are multi-branch outfits. Consolidation of the market with AU, Sask Pool and JRI is another symptom of tight margin. (lower grain handles because of drought are part of that) A few years ago crop supply sided of AU and Sask Pool were very profitable. The last while things have been much tighter.