Saturday, July 07, 2007

Current Map - Fusarium Head Blight Risk Forecast for Wheat in Manitoba - Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives

Current Map - Fusarium Head Blight Risk Forecast for Wheat in Manitoba - Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives

An old friend in the custom spraying business was telling me they started spraying for fusarium on thursday and friday. I always had a horrible time trying to stay ahead of fungicide applications for head blights. Just check out the variety of warnings on the enclosed web site maps. How do you make a rational decision based on the rapidly changing conditions reflected on these maps?

Unless a grower has his own high clearance unit(s) you would have little chance of getting any type of protection planned effectivly. Even then it's like a 50/50 chance the blight will attack the head.

I'm at the point where if you get fusarium control (with custom units) it's a bonus. Look for leaf disease or rust. Control that and if you can get the timing by chance to get fusarium go for it.
I could go on and on about this. Water rates, chemical used, and /or timing dew levels all have to be right for effective control. Depending on a salesman and/or a contractor to put that together for you is a lost cause. You better know your stuff or really really trust your advice before you go whole hog after head blight control.