Saturday, September 30, 2006

Canada - Oats - Production, Consumption, Imports, & Exports

More on the oat market. I was wondering if production levels had increased or decreased over the last 5/10 years. If you look at the linked chart, you can see bullish indicators. (Remember these are 2005 numbers)

  • Oat production has settled into a lower pattern. (1,330,000 ha or 3,550,000 mt).
  • Total domestic comsumption is trending up a bit (2,200,000 mt in 2005) up less than a point year over year
  • Ending stocks were down year over year (854,000 mt) a nice 13 % drop

Add to this the USDA report on the previous post of 16% drop in oat stocks year over year and you get pretty good demand for oats. If planting intentions are not strong next year, milling oats could be a profitable cereal option ou into 2007?

Now all that has to be done is grow heavy plump clean oats that yield 100 bu/ac. + and find some one to buy them. EASY!

Canada - Oats - Production, Consumption, Imports, & Exports