Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Fall CanadaThistle Control:Treated and Untreated with Roundup

Canada Thistle sprayed Sept 20 with .77L/ac Transorb HC. All these pictures are the same field/same day. (The Thistle is the brown wilted thing in the middle of the pic, I'm going to have to work on the photos)
The Canada Thistle beside my hat has not been sprayed. You can see the green regrowth tufts growing out of the cut Thistle
The middle Canada Thistle was sprayed with .77 litre/ac. Transorb HC on Sept. 20. (It's the brown wilted thing in the middle, The green plants are Borage and Wheat seedlings that emerged in the 20 days since we sprayed)We applied the herbicide at 5 gal/ac. The temp. was 13C and we applied in the afternoon.
The Canada Thistle in the Middle of this picture has had no herbicide applied, it's in the same field. The photo was taken the same day. The farmer only had us apply to a heavy infestation on 1/2 the field.