Thursday, October 05, 2006

Q and A on REDCOAT: a fertilizer seed coat for canola

The copied Q and A is straight from Brett-Young Seeds. I want to look at the product in field this year. I'm interested, but I've seen "on seed" treatments that don't give a big advantage. Any way I'll take a shot, you have to try new "stuff". I've ordered 20 bags of Redcoat on Brett-Young's new 4414 Hybrid Roundup Ready Canola.

Redcoat Q & A

Q: What is Redcoat canola?

A: Redcoat is a canola coating that consists of precision placement of insecticide/fungicide seed treatment layer followed by a 20% nutrient package (primarily phosphate) capped by a water soluble polymer cap on each seed.

Q: What are the benefits to canola growers?

A: The three main benefits are: better stand establishment, higher seedling survivability rate and a more consistent seed treatment application. Early uptake of phosphate is critical to early plant growth. Redcoat includes a small amount of phosphate on each seed in a highly available form which gives each seedling the phosphate needed to give it that “pop up” effect. There are many other conditions and situations where redcoat can benefit growers; early seeding into cool soils, direct seeding, broadcast seeding, heavy clay soils any time phosphate is placed greater than 1 inch from the seed. Redcoat canola seed is the safest way of handling treated seed.

Q: What does Redcoat cost?

A: BrettYoung offers our customers great value as Redcoat is priced the same as regular treated seed.

Q: How long has phosphate coating been sold?

A: Phosphate coated seed has been sold by BrettYoung in western Canada for over 20 years. The coating system has been continually updated and processes refined over that time. Seed coating technology is continually advancing and BrettYoung will continue to lead by perfecting processes and improving coating technology.

Q: Does Redcoat bulk up the seed?

A: Yes it does, the coating material bulks up the seed 20%. Because the density of the seed is much higher than the coating it works out to about 14% of seed enhancement in each bag.

Q: Should seeding rates be adjusted when using Redcoat?

A: Generally if you follow standard calibrating and plant population targets no other changes should be required. When seeding any canola seed you should take into count 1000 kernel weight and use the following formula; lbs/acre = 9.6 X plants/ft² X 1000 kernel weight in grams divided by % survival rate. When using this formula you can increase your survivability rate by 10% if you are using Redcoat. The target of plants per square foot and survivability rate are the 2 elements of risk that must be decided on by each individual grower. Redcoat tends to flow faster than regular treated seed so be sure to calibrate your planter.

Q: Why is Redcoat not offered on all of your varieties?

A: The Redcoat process is a precise application of coating material and seed treatment. It takes extra time and cost compared to regular treated canola seed. We offer Redcoat only on our top canola varieties.