PrePass Discount Program: Brand Name Burnoff Product Launches 45 Cent/Acre Disount
Dow is just announcing a 45 cent per acre discount on the 800 acre pack size of PrePass. The offer is 45 cent per acre or $360 per pac. The offer runs for the month of February. So far it sounds like a cash sale program. Booked and paid in February. I will know more as information gets to me.
PrePass is a combination of 1/2 rate of glyphosate and 40 ml per acre of florasulam (a group 2 broad leaf herbicide). PrePass improves control of wild buckwheat and sow thistle over straight glyphosate. The florasulam will control Roundup Ready canola and provide some residual control depending on soil temp. Cooler temperatures will slow the breakdown of the florasulam, keeping it active in the soil for 7 to 10 days. Don't depend on the residual but in some cases it is very handy to have extended control to help get the crop going.
I've seen the product in a burndown in front of Oats and in some fields very little broadleaf control is needed incrop. You can have problems with Canada Thistle, but otherwise you can do without incrop herbicides. Most other cereals are not competitive enough to get away with this.
Be aware of the fields you use PrePass in. The residual aspects of the florasulam can create issues. The label says barley, canola, field peas and wheat the following season (10 months). I would say be cautious after a cool or dry year with canola. Clearfield canola (group 2 resitant) could be safer.
The package is 4 barrels of 360g/L glyphosate IPA salt solution and 50g/l florasulam in a suspension concentrate. I don't know how big the florasulam container(s) will be and there is a chance the glyphosate could be in a different concentration or salt (there are lots of them now)
Last note, florasulam is the active in Dow's two Frontline herbicides and Spectrum.
OK!! One more last note. Express is another option in this market space (burnoff add ons). Express is a little cheaper, not as residual (good/bad?) and it gives you the option of using any glyphosate. On the negative side Express has no programming rebates and there can be issues if you have problems with control (Its not there glyphosate in the tank is it?) Dow's website page for PrePass information
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