Friday, February 02, 2007

FlaxMax DLX: A New Wrinkle For Flax

BASF is using a new "dim" tepraloxydim as the Group one cereal control product in FlaxMax DLX. I've had problems in the past with Poast ( the old group one in FlaxMax) getting control for the past 5 years. It got to the point we stopped using the product. I'm optomistic this change will improve control


I'd always been a big fan of FlaxMax Ultra (or the tank mix). At first the price kind of held back users. As producers started to see how well it controlled thistle and how easy it was on the flax I really saw a lot of it used.

I started tankmixing Select/Centurion ( to replace Poast as the Group one) with Curtail M(to replace FlaxMax) before it was registered. At first I did it because we ran out of FlaxMax Ultra later we had problems with control of Volunteer cereals and later still (I think) with Group one resistance. Our farm supply was happy to see the Centurion/Curtail M tankmix registered for flax last year. We had almost totally changed our clients over anyway.