Market Talk: CWB PRO's Lacking: How has price effected the vote (?)
Market Talk: CWB PRO's Lacking
I've heard this a lot during the voting on barley and the CWB. I offer little, but the one line in the post " CWB in crisis" The price issues can not be good for producer's mind sets when making votes ( for the last or the next vote)
I was thinking with a lot of farmgate support for the board and some "bully" tactics from the Feds that the CWB had a good chance of coming out of things fairly intact. I'm getting vibes the other way now. The Richardson "deal" makes that entity the second largest grain handler in Canada after the CWB and a lot closer second that AU was before. (I will have a look for the numbers). I can not see Richardson Agricore being good news for the board.
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