Sunday, February 25, 2007

Insect Pests in Cereal, Oilseed, Forage and Pulse Crops in Manitoba in 2006 - John Galvoski's summary on 2006 insects in field crops

Insect Pests in Cereal, Oilseed, Forage and Pulse Crops in Manitoba in 2006 - Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives

The post is a summary of the years insect issues the past year.

The summary should be used as a warning device for next years crops. take note of the following:

  • Aphids - These sap-sucking critters can do more damage that some producers think. I know our area will not have a lot of flax and peas this year, but that is where they can hurt you. Anyone in southwest Man. growing either should monitor populations.

  • Bertha Armyworm - We sprayed for Bertha this past year (150 acres). Again this insect population should be watched closely. We will be seeing a lot of canola in 2007 and with the prices control of armyworms could easily pay dividends

  • Wheat Midge - I missed midge in 2006. Our growers had populations and are having wheat downgraded for midge damage. I just did not pick up on it. It looks like midge should be on the list for 2007

    John Gavloski does a good job as our Manitoba Entomologist. I use his reports in season and call him for information. I like his presentations and when I can catch one I do.
    I just ran across this this morning looking for good production information.