Thursday, February 22, 2007

More Richardson Agricore Stories On The "Deal"

More thoughts on the grain trade merger
  • This is a buyout, no question, JRI will call the shots, control the board and have already named the CEO (not Brain Hayward)
  • This is JRI's first move into the public traded markets with one of there companies. They have been a very private family run outfit. Having your business out for everyone to see will be a big change
  • JRI will have there first dealing with a union. The AU union is not a radical bunch anymore, but I don't to my knowledge recall JRI having to deal with unions and the baggage that can go with that type of negotiation.
  • AU has a rep. of being generous with the pay pak. It may be liableous to say any more.
  • This will be good for our little farm supply. I can see customer movement. Likely not to the extend when the pools where in there big changes, but still movement
  • The impact on the canola seed market will be huge. This is very much control of that segment. The industry has been moving to companies with the biggest "footprint". If you want to launch something new, go to a big company to get the best exposure. Richardson Agricore is now the only option
  • There are going to be some agronomists and managers looking for work