Can You Make Money On Flax:
Flax price on the upswing. But is it enough
Same as above. But supply is dropping and that can be good for price
Never is a long time. I have hardly anyone putting in flax in 2007. Producers are sick of making nothing for it and getting terrible yields. But never is a long time. Maybe in a few years things could pick up. The post tells of price increases, lower supply and higher consumption, but it also points to nobody wanting to process flax. Crush margins are better in the biofuel industry than in the flax food crush. I mean what would you do? It doesn't sound like you're growing flax, you can't make money growing flax. Not many are going to process it (crush) if they can't profit.
Take a few minutes to read the post. There may be a light at the end of the flax tunnel, but it is a dim one.
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