Do You Want A Free Seed Treater
If you want a free (well kind of free) seed treater, most crop protection companies have a program. Ask your retailer, or as is the case more and more, ask your company rep. Programs are formal advertised or informal at the call of the rep or retail.
My BASF rep. sent me a e-mail this morning. Here's their/her program (informal?):
- Buy 6 cases of Charter ($447 cs Suggested Retail) or 10 cases Gemini ($266.60 cs Suggested Retail)
- Get a free Classic Seed Treater (they were Classics last year)
- Classic Seed Treater retail at $249.00 each
- That much Charter will treat 1368 bu of wheat or 780 ac
- That much Gemini will treat1240 bu of wheat or 725 ac (not bad)
- And BASF programing will likely get you a dollar an acre off your seed treatment anyway
If you need a seed treater this isn't a bad deal. Talk to your local supplier or contact your rep (BASF customer service 1-877-371-2273)
One more item if you don't use BASF likely the other guys Raxil from Bayer or Dividend from Syngenta will have some kind of program (formal or informal) to get you a break on seed treating equipment. I will have a look at what else I've been sent now that I think of it.
Have a nice weekend.
I just remembered Bayer has helped some of our larger outfits with equipment on a case by case. You have to do a nice piece of business with them and need something special for help. If you are switching to there product and have an idea of something you want you may get some help(?)
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