Teachers Pension Plan: So why do a bunch of "old" Ontario teachers invest in the west
OTPP - Teachers' invests $266 million in Richardson Agricore, welcomes grain producers' input
They put up 1/4 billion dollars for the Richardson Agricore deal and that's small change for this 100 billion dollar (yes with a B) investment juggernaut. You will be amazed at the depth and width of there investment portfolio.
I've read a few articles about the power shift in Canada from the east to the west. Political and economic forces are creating a new Canadian order. Growing energy and agricultural sectors are eclipsing an ailing manufacturing sector (auto for instance). Everyone wants to move to BC. And everyone else is looking for a job in Alberta. I think this major investment by a major eastern investment fund to create "the" biggest grain trader in Canada really speaks to the shift.
The link is to OTPP website and directly to a press release on "the deal"
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