Does Helix Extra Have A "Vigor Effect" (?)
FarmAssist - Agronomic Resources - Alerts
I've heard of this effect of increasing vigor from Helix Extra, the link is to research and the news
I've heard of this effect of increasing vigor from Helix Extra, the link is to research and the news
release. And I appear to be spelling it wrong. The correct spelling for this seed treatment in is "HELIXXTra" (?) Sorry it's spelled like it is pronounced or maybe it's pronounced like it is spelled (?) However creative use of spelling, font and capitalization not to mention the creation of a whole new word. I wonder if I this will work in scrabble it is a double x word. I think that is worth a lot of points.
We may be dealing with three words here Helix, X and of course Tra. Possibly from "tra- la -la" of deck the halls fame.
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