Monday, September 25, 2006

M. J.'s good flax field

In a risk area that flax averages 20 bu/ac. a 35 bu acre crop gets your attention. One of our farmers did everything right on a 240 acre field. I called Murray for the details on Friday

Burn Off - .33 L/ac. Renegade on May 8
Seed Date - May 9
Variety - Bethune
Seed Rate - 48 lbs/ac in to standing wheat stubble
Seeder - SeedMaster air drill
Fertilizer - 75-25-0-10 side banded using a dry blend
InCrop Applications - Tank mix Centurian (50ac/cs) and Buctril M (20 ac/jug) in 5gal/ac H2O
Application Timing - June 13
Temp - 22 C
Crop Stage - 4 in plus (We waited on this field. The field was dry and slow to get going as a result) We are spraying flax larger now than we use to, 4 in high is now what I look for.

Comments; This field was super clean all the way. Murray used a canola blend, a high rate of fertilizer for our area. We preharvested the field with 1 L of Factor to aid cutting, dry down wild buckwheat. (Buckwheat was the only weed present in the field)