PrePass Discount Program: Brand Name Burnoff Product Launches 45 Cent/Acre Disount
Carlyle Sask.
The Bayer Value program. You would have had to be under a rock for the last 5 years to not know about Bayer Value. Here's the link to this year's version.
A couple of notes on the program:
Chart 1 World grain production and consumption is increasing. The first thing to note is the gap between production and comsumption. Fertilizer can fill the gap by increasing production. The second thing is the up trend in both production and consumption. Both trends speak to increased demand and long term increase.
Duh! In trying to get a cool headline I got ahead of myself on the Sask Wheat Pool cash bid post. If you read the article you will see they do "Show Us The Money"
chart 1 This will make the investors and management happy. The blue line is increasing margin. (Note the spike) Not as happy a item to farmers, but it does indicate a healthy business.
The "Big Boy" banner. Using sex to sell farm chemical! That's a new twist. / PlayBoy 2006 Stock-Picking Contest CONTESTANTS
A Farming Fund Sprouts Up [] January 17, 2007 Another article from the "Kirk Report" an investing blog I monitor. I've actually bought and sold shares in this fund. This etf is really worth a look
Wall Street's billions head toward the farm - International Herald Tribune