Friday, April 13, 2007

Nail Guns Menace To Society: Or menace to the dumb

This has nothing to do with agriculture, but it struck me as funny. (in a kind of sick way)

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Interview With Jim Rogers: 'The Best Place To Be Is In Commodities' - Seeking Alpha: Ag commodities included

Rogers pictured. Jim Rogers is considered one of the formost investment experts on the commodity market. Pretty good promoter too. He looks like a smart guy. ( I often wonder if how they look increases there clout)
Interview With Jim Rogers: 'The Best Place To Be Is In Commodities' - Seeking Alpha

This is kind of a brief interview. But Rogers does say demand for ag commodities will stay strong, or more specifically supply will not (or can not) adjust to meet demand overnight. That means good prices will stay around for awhile

Sunday, April 08, 2007 Commodities: US wheat prices react to freeze warnings Commodities

Now I don't know , but is this the type of thing a Canadian producer will be watching if the Wheat Board no longer controls our market.? The post is about a weather driven (freezing in this case) rise in wheat markets in the states. A weather market is a tricky thing, driven by good news/bad news, and results in false spikes and dips.

I'm not saying this is good or bad, often weather market movement is irrelevent anyway, but the board does tend to take minor moves out of the market. Critics say it takes the tops off a good market and that is an excellent point.

I agree! I'm pretty wishy-washy on the subject.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

HEY Gotta new Job!!


After 12 years with my present employer I changed jobs.

Stats say that you will change carears 3 times in your life. Well this could be four for me. I've been a farmer, I managed a weed control district for the Manitoba Agriculture and most recently I was a sales agronomist for a farm supply.

I thought I would finish working with this last outfit, but recent changes in the industry had got me looking around.

I've landed a postion as manager of a research farm. I'm excited about doing this. I'm pretty nervous too.

I did the "exit" interview with my old boss, or rather half of it. I've heard of these things, they are odd and this seem to be aimed at finding out if I had any doubts about leaving and exploiting the information gained. I had to cut it short, it was very uncomfortable, kind of like talking to an insurance salesman you can't get rid of.

My direct supervisor was much better, as was the payroll person. Very cut and dried and business like with a bit of negotiation and straight talk. I left them with a great deal of respect for the way they handled it.

I will miss much at my old position, the producers were excellent as was my work situation. I'm sure when the air seeder breaks down at 6 on a Friday night I will want to go back

But damm it will be nice to be farming again after 21 years

Farm Transfer Piece From Top Crop Manager

Not a long article, but interesting

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Does Helix Extra Have A "Vigor Effect" (?)

FarmAssist - Agronomic Resources - Alerts

I've heard of this effect of increasing vigor from Helix Extra, the link is to research and the news
release. And I appear to be spelling it wrong. The correct spelling for this seed treatment in is "HELIXXTra" (?) Sorry it's spelled like it is pronounced or maybe it's pronounced like it is spelled (?) However creative use of spelling, font and capitalization not to mention the creation of a whole new word. I wonder if I this will work in scrabble it is a double x word. I think that is worth a lot of points.
We may be dealing with three words here Helix, X and of course Tra. Possibly from "tra- la -la" of deck the halls fame.

Canola (RS, WCE): Weekly Price Chart

Canola (RS, WCE): Weekly Price Chart Mixed technical indicators here for this recent chart on canola price

WCE Grain/Oilseed Midday: Canola Follows Soybeans Down

WCE Grain/Oilseed Midday: Canola Follows Soybeans Down

WCE Grain/Oilseed Review: Lower On Bearish USDA Report

WCE Grain/Oilseed Review: Lower On Bearish USDA Report . A bit of bearish reporting

Has Corn Hit Its Peak?

Has Corn Hit Its Peak? I don't recall agriculture being in the mainstream news this much ever in my life: More corn price reporting in Business Week for god's sake.

That's at least a couple in the last two weeks and if you look at related stories there is no shortage of "stuff"

Ukraine Winter Wheat Report and Map: Off the USDA web site

A map of the Ukraine's winter wheat crop. And a link below to the report


Brazil Corn Update

Brazil Corn Update I did not realize Brazil grew two crops of corn. Things are looking good according to the linked report

Brazil Soybean Update

Brazil Soybean Update Will this optomistic report on soybeans lead to a drop or "cooling off " of canola markets (?)