Friday, July 27, 2007

Organic Farming: Niche market?

Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune - Doyle: Organic farming booming in Wisconsin

People who can afford organic food will pay the premiums for their beliefs. I use to scoff at "organic" production. Now (in my old age) if there are marketing opportunities for producers or a organic technique that reduce cost on the production side? Well I'm in!

Yes! I know some of it is bull. Some of the product passed off as "organic" comes with a pretty broad definition of "organic"! However if producers can provide healthy food that fits the consumers definition of "organic" and make some good coin, well I say go for it.

Organic will not feed the world. Nor will it clean up food production. That "cat is long out of the bag". Pesticides and genenic engineering dominate food production. And they are no going away soon. But if "organic" production in wealthy middle americs can find a market, good for them.