Monday, October 02, 2006

Stripe Rust: Something New In Southwest Manitoba? (or maybe just new to me?)


This past summer was the first time I've seen a lot of Stripe rust. We've had leaf rust many times. But this stuff was new to me.

Stripe rust seems to move slower than leaf rust and occur on varieties than are resistant to leaf rust. The above pictures are Mckenzie wheat. I e-mailed them to Manitoba Ag specialists and they confirmed my ID.

We didn't apply fungicide to this field. I felt it was to dry and the infestation was not at economic levels. We monitored the field for 7 day or so and the rust did not advance. I think the field yielded in the 40 bu range (?)

I'd like to thank John for the pictures and the field. They are good.

I'll try and post an information link on this fungus. I don't think we have see the last of it yet.